Boosting Family Bonds: A Simple And Powerful Activity

family connecting holding hands looking at a lake

In today's fast-paced world, families juggle countless demands on their time and energy, often leaving little room for meaningful connections. In my Dublin and Alameda counseling practices, I strive to provide families with opportunities to strengthen their bonds despite their busy schedules.

One effective technique I love to use is the "Catch People Caring" activity. Inspired by a program I encountered earlier in my counseling career, this method encourages family members to actively seek out moments of kindness and generosity among each other.

It's simple yet powerful. Family members are prompted to keep an eye out for instances where someone in the family goes above and beyond, whether it's a child following directions promptly or a sibling offering help with homework without being asked. Even the smallest acts of kindness are celebrated and acknowledged.

The goal is to shift the focus from negative behaviors to positive ones, fostering a culture of appreciation and support within the family unit. While boundaries are important and must be addressed when crossed, the "Catch People Caring" activity emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement.

This approach is particularly beneficial for children and teens who may receive more negative attention than positive reinforcement. By highlighting their strengths and contributions, we create a ripple effect of positivity that leads to more harmonious interactions and deeper connections within the family.

This something that is simple and easy for families to do at home too. For a fun and visual twist, families can create their own "catch people caring” jar. Simply gather a clear jar and some colorful vase filler gems, with each family member choosing their own distinct color. Whenever someone notices a moment worth celebrating, they add one of that person's colored gems to the jar while offering words of praise.

Watch as the jar fills up with tokens of appreciation, serving as a tangible reminder of the love and support shared within the family. When the jar is full, celebrate by emptying it out and starting anew, continuing to foster a culture of kindness and connection in your home.


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